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Department of Art

Advising Information for Art Majors

Each student is assigned an academic advisor who can help make decisions about which classes to take each semester, discuss career plans, and find campus resources. You will need to meet with your advisor prior to registration for course advice and clearance to register. Check with your advisor to see how to get signed up for a meeting time, as everyone has their own system. This page contains all the information you need to find your advisor, know when to register, and view the suggested course of study for your program.

Advising Calendar

You can talk to your advisor anytime during the year. To register for classes you must meet with your advisor before registration begins to be cleared to register for courses for the next semester.

The Spring schedule goes live on October 
Spring advising begins on October 


Fall 2024- Registration starts at 7 am.

November 4 GRADUATE Students (currently Enrolled)
November 6 Currently enrolled SENIORS (90 Hours or more earned hours) and the following priority groups: Honors Program participating & students registered with Disability Support Services or Student Support Services
November 8 Currently enrolled JUNIORS (60 to 89 earned hours) and above and athletes
November 12 Currently enrolled in SOPHOMORES (30 to 59 earned hours) and above
November 14 Currently enrolled FRESHMEN (less than 30 earned hour) and above

Degree Check Sheets

BA/BS Degree Check-sheet 2024-2025BFA Degree Check-sheet 2024-2025

BS Suggested Course of StudyBA Suggested Course of StudyBFA Suggested Course of Study

Find your Advisor in Banner Self Services

  1. Log into Banner Self Services
  2. Select Term (your registering for)  (Be sure it is set to this term)
  3. Click on the Student tab at the top of the page
  4. Then Student Profile link
  5. The Advisor is then listed and click on the advisor’s name for contact information
  6. On this screen, there is a lot of information about you
  7. Also in the top right-hand corner, you can see if you have HOLDS. Be sure to clear any holds that prevent registration before your day to register

Create a Registration Plan- you can have more than one plan

Instruction on how to create a Plan from Registrar’s Office

Student Program Change FormRegistrar – Student Program Change form


Below are just a few minors throughout the college that are popular with art majors. 

Minors in Mass Communication DepartmentMinor in the College of BusinessMinor in Game StudiesMinor in Psychology

Graduation Application


Faculty Advisor and Contact information

Faculty Name Email Address Room number Phone Number General Office Hours
Joe Bennett Peterson 212 205.665.6397 Tuesday. & Thursday  10:35-11:00, 1:35-2:00, 4:35-5:00
And by appointment.
Misty Bennett Peterson
211 or Bloch 213
205.665.6394 / 6396 MWF 1-4 pm, TR 9:30-10:30 am
Min Sun Lee Bloch Hall
205.665.6381 Appointments Only (Online)
Scott Meyer Old 3-D Complex 1 205.665.6395 MF 2 –
Lee Somers Old 3-D Complex 4 205.665.6407 MWF 10:00-11:40 am and by appointment
Kelly Wacker Bloch Hall 210 205.665.6408 MF 2-4:30; T 11-2; additional hours by appointment
in person or Zoom by request
Catherine Walsh Bloch Hall 219 205.665.6430 Wed. 12-3 & by appointment, all office hours via Zoom
Michael Willett Bloch Hall 201B 205.665.6409 TR: 10:30-11 am, 1:30-2 pm, or MWF by apt.
Collin Williams Bloch Hall 207 205.665.6402 MWF 11am-noon. You can also request a
different time if these times do not work with your
Tanner Young Bloch Hall
Art Annex
205.665.6404 Available to meet in person or via Zoom. Appointment preferred.
T/R   9-11, W  1- 2, and F  10-3